
Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2019

ClimateCrises - Climatebreakdown - why I jump on Fridays for futures bandwagon - Warum spreche ich von einer KlimaKrise

In 2010 we captured a very significant picture. 
At the end of the so called "Climategate",  we published an article, which prognosed nowadays weather conditions. Temperatures up and down, creazy weather events. We saw it and told you so by statement "Zappelkurve". Nowadays is path 2, the current ups and down. Sometimes is it is very cold, e.g. in USA, where then Trump calls out "winter emergency" and calls IPCC crazy because they say it’s getting warmer. Or now in June it is hotter and hotter, like 3 days ago we had 45,9°C in Paris an 48 in Irak. It is explained in this little picture, on path 2, the green graph. IPCC says, if we don't bring our greenhouse gases down, it will cause path 1, an increase of temperatures. Yes that is right too, but after further

So, now, how does this graph look today? See red frame from updated NASA picture:

Proportions are very same (see redbox) as you can see, except CO2 levels are increasing dramatically at the (yellow box) end (okay, 2010 it was not there yet), but the ripple just before (blue box) today was eliminated too! NASA relies on same data, the Vostok Ice Core! But what you see in the picture of the blue box, that they eliminated the dynamics of the curve, they just display average values...this smoothing of the curve is a trick to distract you from the ultimate Climate Breakdown, the path 3!

So now you can say, okay, maybe they have nowadays more accurate data of the Ice Core measurements for the blue box. For this you need to understand, that the data of the red frame is very old already. Both graphs use data from 1990. In the '80 there was a lot of discussion about what was the better method for extracting CO2 out of Ice, but then with reproduced measurement from several ice cores, by different labs and research teams, they freezed their data of the red box in the '90. So our picture from 2010 is therfore more accurate than NASA's today’s picture, and this blows now the whistle.

Why we might head towards Path3, the climate breakdown, the reversal to ice age?

You see that CO2 levels dynamics increase with every ice age period. In the last 10.000 years, after the end of the last Ice Age, you see jumping levels which are totally different to NASAs blue box.

Ladies and Gentlemen, 
This is what counts. It’s the evidence of current weather behavior, and they filtered it out to point only to the hokey stick. And what comes on the picture after every CO2 peak? The ultimate breakdown, a climate reversal, an Ice age, path 3. And that is the whole case about greenhouse gases. 

Nobody really understands what causes the reversal to an ice age. Please chellange me here. A new long term solar Minimum which releases all CO2 on earth? An apocalyptic earth event like a super volcano? An asteroid? An special planetary alignment? Stalling of Ocean circulation by Humans? Why would the CO2 curve in the blue box would go up/down for thousands of years already and not shown from Nasa now? 

The only thing we know for sure is, the highest CO2 values were always recorded during reversal events and beautiful  living conditions are only a few thousand years possible. And that is scary about current GHG growth. You may now say that it does not matter if we die on curve 1 or 3. Our answer is, get the damned greenhouse gases, so the water steams, CO2 and CH4 and all other green house gases down to pre-industrial level and hope to stay on curve 2, because nobody really knows what causes Ice Age. 

CO2 Reduction and all greenhouse gase reduction might be our only hope to get rid of suns energy.
Get it done fast! 
Get it done now!


0.5°C safety
1°C irreversible feedbacks (now)
1.5°C a dangerous world
2°C an extremely dangerous world
2.5°C moving towards Hell
3°C horror
3.5°C death of organised society
4°C human survival in doubt
5°C likely extinction
6°C our current trajectory which will melt all and result in a climate reversal to ice age!

We are in a climate Emergency and risk a Climate Breakdown
Please act now! 


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